Tom helped TARA and the SIERA club remain an incredible Amateur Radio Experience thorugh numerous decades.
His enthusiasm never waivered from volunteering for TARA's communication events,
serving on the Board and working as my assistant on AMBBR, Death Ride and Tour de Tahoe.
Tom truly lived the Amateur radio operator's code of life.
He was:
Considerate to all, not just fellow hams.
Always Volunteering
Always Provided an In Person Example of the Amateur Radio Code of Conduct
Friendly to all Hams, regardless of club affiliation, interests or location.
Generous with assisting fellow hams both financially and with equipment.
Unselfish with the devotion of his time to TARA
Always Professional and Courteous with his radio operation
And Finally
Decaded in promoting both TARA's and Amateur Radio's recognition in out local communities.
Tom was so much a part of TARA that I'm sorry to say he was taken for granted.
I was around him his last few months and had time to get to know him better but unfortunately not to really understand the nature of his life.
Tom volunteered and worked all of TARA's comm. events and indeed was my assistant for organizing the
Death Ride's and the Tour de Tahoe's the last multiple years.
His input allowed me to overcome missing resources and remind me of the details that would be paramount to a successful communication event.
Remembering back, I can only recall TWO instances where Tom "Expressed" his dissatisfaction in my presence.
One was in a meeting for one of TARA's comm. events held in a restaurant where his hamburger was truly "Crap"
The other was a more serious moment when he was manning a site on the Death Ride
and the organizers kept telling me the hams had to stay until the rest stop resources were picked up.
The last rider on the course had passed well over an hour before and the site volunteers had left well before that.
He stated in so many words, the XXXX with babysitting the site equipment as everyone was long gone and he was too.
Yes, I'd had the same sentiment expressed before from other events, but Tom's adamant statement
was the catalyst for my now insistence on TARA comm. events that the ham volunteers will
no longer be the babysitters for rest stop resources.
A more enjoyable memory is from the Death Ride as Tom settled into working Carson Pass
where it just so happened the Schwan's Ice Cream truck was stationed.
Once we put it together and gave him a "Bad" time for it,
he found a way to bring the left over's to other sites on his way back
to Turtle Rock park and of course made sure there were a few ice cream bars left for the TARA comm. van!
I know Tom exhibited the same behavior for the SIERA club with the Pony Express re-ride,
the Nevada day parade and other events requiring volunteers for operations.
If I hear more regarding a service or other details I will share them with you all.
So sad to hear of the passing of Tom.
We remember how hard he worked on the Pony Express and other functions for the club.
Brad (wt6b) and Linda
Paul -- Appreciate your concern for Tom and while not what we all wanted to learn, I'm glad to know he's now being taken care of. :) Cathy
Always sad news when we lose a member of the group.
Brad - wt6b
My sincere condolences and prayers to his immediate family members. He was a huge asset to the club and will sorely be missed.
Prayers from Kentucky.
Paul Severns
Yes, so sad, especially with no one with him. Tom was always a great guy and willing to help anyone at anytime.
He certainly helped me while working many PEX events.
He will be missed by all of us.
W7DRM - Don
Karen and I were just talking about Tom. Tom and I use to talk about a lot of electrical utility equipment and our experiences.
Absolutely a great guy. He sold me a couple of his radios and I do use them often.
Ed Terlau
Sorry to hear about Tom.
He did a great job with the Pony Express organizing.
One year he came to S. Lake Tahoe and dropped off a loaner portable antenna
for me to use up on Farview Peak! That is commitnent to amateur radio,
since he's out in Mound House. I know he was also a regular on the TARA Monday night nets.
Thanks for letting us know Paul.
So sad. What a great guy. A real asset to the hobby.
He coordinated the comms for the Pony Express Reride for years.
He also helped build the SIERA comm trailer. He'll be missed.
73 old friend
de Bob K7VOC
So sorry to hear of his passing.
Too many silent keys.
-Scott KM6SSK
Oh, man, that is sad to hear. May our good Lord comfort his family and friends.
He will be missed!
Dave, KJ7WT
Roy & I are so sorry to hear this news.
Tom, may you Rest In Peace.
Condolences to his family!
Shelley and Roy
-------------; on behalf of; Jeff via
Re: [SIERAhams] SK
I am so sorry to hear that!
On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:31 AM, Jim Marshall via wrote:
Just heard from TARA that Tom Tabacco, KE7NCJ became a silent key on August 19th.
Tom served the Amateur Community by organizing
the Pony Express Re-ride and contibuted many hours in support of both SIERA and TARA clubs.
Jim - K6LR
So very sorry to hear of Tom Tobacco, KE7NCJ, becoming a silent key.
He was a wonderful, caring person devoting many hours supporting Amateur
Radio events.
May you rest in peace Tom.
Matt - W7KJU
I am so sorry to hear of Tom's passing.
Tom was a dedicated ham, always willing to assist in the pony express re-ride,
the 50-50 race in Reno and other radio events.
I will miss him.
Steve Johnson KS6A
Working the AMBBR at Truckee
Dave, KJ7WT and Tom at Truckee for AMBBR
Tom checking in with Dick, KD7JMR at the Death Ride Command Center after his Death Ride assignment.
Tom setting up an APRS tracker in TARA's Comm Van.
Tom at a TARA Meeting via Zoom.
Tom at a TARA's Christmas Meeting 2023.