Cathy, AC7CE and Jordan, KN6UAT.
Thank you for providing a unique and rewarding event for TARA's calendar!
We had an excellent turnout with over 20 local hams AND visitors including
one individual who was a GMRS user and wanted to know more about Amateur Radio!
was an excellent venue for showing of the Go-Boxes
and for the
1st TARA Fox Hunt!
The HUNTSMAN of the Day: Cathy, AC7CE
Again, our thanks to Cathy and Jordan for putting this together.
And thanks to the hams that took the time to bring their Go-Boxes and come to check it all out !
As Cathy announced at the end of the event, the consensus was over whelming that
another Radio Rodeo be scheduled for next August !!
The "Theme" will be a
Ideas and Details will be discussed at TARA's future meetings.
And I almost forgot - the
TARA GO-BOX was also present!
Did you miss it ??