Learn and Earn your Amateur Radio Technician License
(review exam questions and answers, then take the test ! )

*General & Extra Exams
will also be offered,
is for the
Technician License Exam

is a

Click for Info

Saturday, April 27nd
Tahoe Douglas Fire protection District Station 23, 193 Elks Point Rd, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448

Time Schedule
9:30am to 11:30am - Exam Question Review (part 1)
11:30am to 12:00pm - Lunch
** Please plan on bringing your own small bag lunch and water

12:00pm to 2:00pm - Exam Question Review (part 2)

2:30:pm to 4:00pm - Exam and grading
( Please plan on staying until 4:30pm due exam grading time )

Here's a Flyer to print
for Spreading the

As the HAM CRAM portion of the class has reached capacity the last two years,
Please contact Paul - WA6EWV to register
Actual VE Exam Session is available on a walk-in basis without attending the class
In the case of exceeding the room capacity for testing from exam "walk-ins",
ham cram participants are guaranteed they will be tested!

Email contact:

Paul - WA6EWV

Confirmed Cram Registration as of April 26, 2024

A "Limited" Number of "Walk In" exams are available, please contact Paul with your Information.

# Name # Name
1 Melissa 2 Jerry
3 Steven 4 Jesse
5 Jackie 6 Rob
7 Kurt 8 Jason
9 Jeanne 10 Keith
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
19 20

Additional Exam room information:

Please note:  If you have any special requirements to allow you to take the exam,
please contact Paul at least 2 weeks ahead of time to see if we can accommodate your needs.

The exam grading process may take as long as one hour after you turn in your test.
Please allow extra time for the examiners to provide an acurate grade
To fill out the required FCC paperwork !

A re-test MAY be available, depending on time.

Note: NO SMART PHONES or PAD type devices are allowed.
Please provide a seperate calculator device if you need one for the exam.

Memory and equation type calculators may be used AFTER you satisify the examiner that the memory has been cleared!

The VEC exam regulations require that we provide you any scratch paper, and that scratch paper will be turned into examiners along with your test answer sheet.

LEVEL 1: Technician Class License

TECHNICIAN EXAM REQUIREMENT: 35-question Technician Written Exam (multiple choice) No Morse Code Exam
PRIVILEGES: All VHF/UHF amateur bands (frequencies above 30 MHz), and limited operations in certain HF bands.

Your instructors will teach from The ARRL Technician Q&A License Manual tech book - level 1
The most popular license for beginners is the Technician Class license, which requires only 26 correct answers out of a 35 question multiple-choice examination.
The test is written with the beginner in mind.

The exam covers basic regulations, operating practices, and electronics theory, with a focus on VHF and UHF applications. Morse Code is not required for this license.

With a Technician Class license, you will have all ham radio privileges above 30 megahertz (MHz). These privileges include the very popular 2-meter band.

Many Technician licensees enjoy using small (2-meter) hand-held radios to stay in touch with other hams in their area. Technicians may operate FM voice, digital packet (computers), television, single-sideband voice and several other interesting modes. You can even make international radio contacts via satellites, using relatively simple station equipment. Technician licensees now also have additional privileges on certain HF frequencies. Technicians may also operate on the 80, 40, and 15 meter bands using morse code, and on the 10 meter band using ALL MODES of communication.

And now with a "Digital Mode" Handi-talkie you may easily talk around the word 24/7!

Additional Requirements
While the Ham Cram Session is FREE
The cost of the ARRL VEC EXAM is

Please *Cash or Check Only
Payable to: "Tahoe Amateur Radio Assn" or just to "TARA" will also work

Amateur Radio License Applications Fee
Became Effective April 19, 2022
This Fee is now required to apply for your license


This fee is NOT COLLECTED at the Cram/Exam

Please be aware it will cost an additional

to receive your license from the FCC

More information at the Cram & Exam

FCC REQUIREMENTS (3) for the license form 605 submission
(1) A Valid Legal Government issued Photo ID
This requirement is usually met with a driver's license,
but it can be a passport
or other legal government identification card with your photo on it.

>>If a photo ID is not available, <<
>>you must present any TWO of the following:
• Non-photo ID/driver's license (some states still have them);
• Social Security Card;
• Birth certificate (must have the appropriate seal);
• Minor's work permit, school report card, school ID card or library card;
• Utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person;
• Postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on the Form 605.

(2) You'll need to obtain an

(FCC Registration Number)
from the
Federal Communications Commision
This is a number that is used to identify all persons in the FCC database.
the FCC FRN is the ONLY way
we can complete your application.
If you need help, contact us via email as noted below.

*For Test Session upgrades, (gen or extra), you MUST HAVE your FCC FRN ID for the 605 form.
TWO copies of your CSCE or your FCC license.

Federal Communications Commission Information
Access the FCC Universal Licensing page for info and to obtain your FRN by clicking the Icon Below.

 Click to visit FCC Amateur Radio Service Site

(3) You'll need a VALID

It is
highly recommened
that you purchase your own
Q&A manual

or practice with an 'On-Line" practice exam available through many web sites.
A few are listed below to get you started.


to be prepared for the class on April 27th!!
Our personal statistics show a PASS RATE of +90% with pre-study
less then 50% rate for NON pre-study

For additional information
Please contact: Paul - WA6EWV

There are two types of books:
1) A complete "Study Guide with therory and more
2) Questions and Answers ( simple explanations to some answers )

The Q&A is a good investment providing quick access for reading and Memorizing the Answers.

For details on books, visit the
or any other book source such as
which has books and kindel versions!

to obtain your Q&A manual.

Here are some

(PDF Format)
The Technician License Pool
for easy read-through of Questions and Answers
Only Questions and Correct Answers Highlighted

Get to know these schematic symbols and terms to make the exam "Easy!"
print them for reference

AND here are some on-line resources (FREE!) to help you prepare for your Technician Exam

On-Line Practice Exams:
Practice with the actual questions and answers until you're confident of success!

ARRL Exam Review
Additional Amateur Radio Information
ARRL Amateur Radio Information

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